Our training staff is recruited worldwide from both learning institutions and relevant private industries. They are practitioners and experts within the fields of personal and business skills development, NLP, anthropology, sociology, concept creation and design, branding, marketing, fashion-image styling, and also include accessories artisans, beauticians, make-up artists, naturopaths and others.

The Agency’s modules will be enhanced on a regular basis, thus the list of current Agency members is subject to change. Meet our current Agency members.

Hana Guenzl
Rima Wainer
Nicole Bower
Eva Echtner
Michael Agapitos
Chrissy Birdsall
Diana McLean

Director, Business Professional and Trainer
Associate Business Professional and Trainer
Fashion Designer - ‘there is a butler in your closet’ - course
Associate Business Professional and Trainer
Associate Business Professional and Trainer
Associate Business Professional and Trainer, Beauty Scientist


A Distinguished Guest Speakers list will be updated for each training module.

Be Ready for Life’s Opportunities.
Success is a skill; you can either work it out or learn it from others.

Be a Leader In Brand Management And Lifestyle

Be Inspired Be Motivated Be Informed

Unlock Your Potential